Living in an apartment does not have to adversly impact the hosting potential. Small and cozy or tiny, your abode can still be the spot for hosting a memorable dinner party. Here are some tips for organizing and hosting a dinner party in a small apartment.
Preparing for a Dinner Party
Before you can invite and entertain your guests, here are some top- tips on how to prepare for a dinner party in a small apartment.
Analyze Your Space: First, measure the space, including hallways and entrances. Make sure to account for chairs and seating arrangement so they aren’t too cramped.
Draw a Layout: This is especially important if your apartment has limited space. Visualize how many people you want to invite, what seating layout works best, and where you can store food and drinks.
Keep it Clean: Make sure to remove any clutter that can take away from your space. Clean the floors before guests arrive to ensure a dirt-free evening.
Designate a Coat Closet: Don’t overcrowd your closet and have a makeshift coat-room. A table in front of the closet can also work as decorative accent.
Set the Mise en Place: Get ready and set out plates, utensils, napkins, and glasses so that you’re ready to serve.
Prepare for Unexpected Guests: You never know when additional people may arrive, or if someone may bring an extra person. Make sure you have spare place settings, utensils, and glasses just in case.
Decorating the Party Space
Once you have gotten the space ready, it is time to make the space fun, attractive and inviting. Here are some ways to make your space stand out.
Get Creative with Lighting: Investing in fancy light fixtures can make a big impact on your decoration. Opt for soft lightings or strings of lights to provide a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Choose the Right Colours: According to colours psychology, warm colours like peach, pink, yellow and rust make people happy. Choose eye-catching paint and accents that match the type of atmosphere you want to create.
Experiment with Staging: Elevating parts of your dinner set up could make your spread more eye-catching. Opt for cake stands, trays and bulk dispensers if they fit the aesthetic.
Incorporate Flowers: For a festive flair, add flowers in the room. Choose low-maintenance varieties such as succulents, as they last longer and require minimal care.
Re-use and Re-organize Surroundings: Put titles, books and mementoes to good use rather than just collecting dust. Place them around the table to create a centerpiece, or on the tables and shelves to create artful displays.
Menu Planning
An essential part of hosting the dinner is deciding on the type of food and drinks that you’ll be serving your guests. Here are some tips for creating an inspired and delicious dinner for your dinner party.
Fear Not the Finger Food: Finger food is easier to prepare and serve, especially if your dining space is small. Look for mini-sized dishes, such as mini tacos and mini quiches. Depending on the type of dinner you want to throw, you can also opt for more substantial finger foods like mini burgers and sliders.
Keep it Simple: To reduce the hassle of prepping and cooking a full-course meal, opt for one-pot meals and casseroles. They require minimal prepping and setting up and can be done in one hour or less.
Prepare Make-Ahead Meals: If your dinner is more than just finger food, look for recipes that you can prepare ahead of time. Lasagnas and casseroles can be assembled the night before and reheated on the day of the dinner.
Prepare Non- Traditional Foods: Who said dinner parties have to consist of just dinner and drinks? Opt for dishes that either don’t require a lot of utensils or can be served in individual boxes.
Pair Dishes with Cocktails: Add a twist to your dinner party by serving cocktails and drinks that match the courses being served. Offer bubbly for appetizers or mulled wine for the main course.
Setting Up
Before your guests arrive, here are some tips for setting up your space for the dinner party.
Create a Cozy Atmosphere: To ensure a comfortable atmosphere, set up seating areas around the room. Leave enough space so that your guests don’t feel crowded.
Create Visual Appeal: To create more visual interest in the room, use different shades and textures of table linens and napkins. Switching up colour combinations also helps to create a visually appealing tablescape.
Make Them Interactive: Place items like cards, puzzles and board games to make conversation easier. Set up a karaoke machine or game console for entertainment.
Invest in Extra Seating: Invest in comfortable seating options such as sofas, bean bags, wrap-around floor chairs or even large pillows that double as seats.
Utilize the Outdoors: If you have access to the outdoors, take advantage of it for additional space. Separate food, drinks, and seating into different areas to avoid overcrowding.
Enjoying the Evening
Finally, your dinner party is ready and your friends are here. Here are some tips to make sure you enjoy the evening as much as your guests.
Welcome and Lead the Conversation: Since your guests probably might not know each other, start the conversation. Introduce each guest by name and kick-start a conversation by asking thought-provoking questions.
Make Your Presence Felt: Make sure you mingle, serve and even help clear the dishes. Act like a gracious host and complement each guest, excuse yourself and show your appreciation of their presence.
Relax and Be At Ease: Being the host, it’s natural to feel anxious, especially in a small apartment. Take a deep breath and concentrate on the present.
Pause and Reflect: Take a mental picture of your friends, luxurious yet relaxed atmosphere, and the laughs and smiles on their faces. Preserve each moment, for these memories will last for a long time.
Gently Nudge Your Guests Out of the Door: Have a plan of action to manage the departure of your guests. Suggestively offer late-night snacks like chocolates, tea, coffee and other tasty treats. Say goodbye when your friends are ready and thank them for coming.
Hosting a dinner party in a small apartment can be a challenge, but with the proper planning, preparation, and enthusiasm, you can be sure to have amazing night. Although it can be tricky to manage, you can still host a dinner party that both you, and your guests will enjoy.